Genevieve Genever Style Gin - #6 of Leading Jenever Gin Labels

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Genevieve Genever Style Gin

When you are looking for something slightly old-fashioned but altogether remarkable, there is a great deal to recommend Genevieve Genever Style Gin. Genevieve Genever Style Gin is essentially a throwback to the earliest gins, and because of that, the base is nowhere near as transparent as that of modern gins. Instead, it is derived from a base that includes rye, wheat and barley, and the result is something rich with a rather malted taste to it. This gin is really not for mixing in modern cocktails. The producers recommend against using it for martinis or tonic water, and also recommend adding a bit of water to thin it out. It is quite sweet and robust, and it would not be out of the question to sip this gin neat and chilled. It is also the perfect ingredient when you want to try mixing cocktails from the turn of the century, as they call for a thicker, rawer gin than what is commonly produced today.

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