The Dorchester Old Tom Gin - #1 of Leading Old Tom Gin Brands

The Dorchester Old Tom Gin Home Page

Home Screenshot from the Award Winning Best Old Tom Gin Brand The Dorchester Old Tom Gin

The Dorchester Old Tom Gin Bottle Page

Bottle Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading Old Tom Gin Brand The Dorchester Old Tom Gin

The Dorchester Old Tom Gin Bottle Two Page

Bottle Two Screenshot from the Award Winning Top Old Tom Gin Brand The Dorchester Old Tom Gin

The Dorchester Old Tom Gin

The Dorchester Old Tom Gin is a beverage that was made exclusively for the hotel by the same name in London. The recipe used in making the gin dates back to the 1700s. There is a small amount of sugar, but the sweetness in the gin comes from the flowers that are used. Made in small batches, the gin has a smooth flavor that leaves a velvet consistency on the palate. The beverage comes in a clear bottle that has a curved design on the edges. This is a gin that has an alcohol content of 43% and is made with botanicals that include angelica root and lemon peel.

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