The Dorchester Old Tom Gin - #1 of Best Old Tom Gin Brands

The Dorchester Old Tom Gin Home Page

Home Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading Old Tom Gin Brand The Dorchester Old Tom Gin

The Dorchester Old Tom Gin Bottle Page

Bottle Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading Old Tom Gin Brand The Dorchester Old Tom Gin

The Dorchester Old Tom Gin Bottle Two Page

Bottle Two Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading Old Tom Gin Brand The Dorchester Old Tom Gin

The Dorchester Old Tom Gin

The Dorchester Old Tom Gin is available exclusively from the Dorchester Hotel in London. Handcrafted from the hotel bar manager Giuliano Morandin's recipe, each bottle comes with a signed label and black seal wax. At 43 percent alcohol by volume, this gin is a new spin on a historic 18th century recipe. It is produced in small batches only, making it an exclusive and rare blend. The Dorchester Hotel's gin contains notes of juniper, coriander, orange peel, and cardamom. The hotel uses this spirit in a number of cocktails, including the Old Tom Cobbler, which includes elder flower and lemongrass to complement the flavor of the gin.

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