Captain Morgan Black Spiced - #1 of Leading Spiced Rum Brands

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Twitter Screenshot from the Award Winning Top Spiced Rum Brand Captain Morgan Black Spiced

Captain Morgan Black Spiced

Captain Morgan is one of the most popular rum brands out there. The brand is named after Captain Henry Morgan, the 17th century governor of Jamaica and "the most legendary pirate to ever sail the seas". The brand came out with their Black Spiced Rum version in 2013 and it boasts a darker, bolder taste that leads to a smoother overall finish. The flavor comes from select ingredients including rich clove spice, premium cassia bark and double charred blackened oak. The rum can be enjoyed in a simple manner over ice, mixed with a cola for a classic rum and cola drink or in a more complicated recipe. Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum has a higher alcohol content than the standard version. It's at 94.6 proof compared to 70 proof. This helps the flavors stand out more in mixed drinks so the rum is able to be enjoyed by everyone.

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