Grand Teton Vodka - #9 of Top Potato Vodka Brands

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Contact Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading Potato Vodka Label Grand Teton Vodka

Grand Teton Vodka

While potatoes are considered to be a traditional base from which vodka is distilled, they're indigenous to the Western Hemisphere, and weren't introduced to the Russian spirit until after European contact with the Americas. What better place to distill potato vodka than the heartland of American potato country--Idaho. The artisans at Grand Teton Distillery consider their craft responsibility to you with great seriousness. Not only is each bottle filled with premium vodka distilled in-house by a dedicated team of innovators, they also offer the spirit of the surrounding country. Teroire--or the French term describing the essence of a region's earth, water, and air taken in living things--can be discerned with ease. The potatoes are sourced locally and only fresh mountain spring water taken from a pure well on the property is used. Whenever you enjoy the silken potato vodka from the Grand Teton family, you toast to quality and passionate precision. You toast to America.

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