Permafrost Alaska Vodka - #6 of Best Potato Vodka Brands

Permafrost Alaska Vodka Home Page

Home Screenshot from the Award Winning Best Potato Vodka Label Permafrost Alaska Vodka

Permafrost Alaska Vodka Bottle Page

Bottle Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading Potato Vodka Label Permafrost Alaska Vodka

Permafrost Alaska Vodka Cocktails Page

Cocktails Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading Potato Vodka Label Permafrost Alaska Vodka

Permafrost Alaska Vodka

Alaska Matanuska Potatoes are used to hand craft this potato vodka, along with glacier water that is the absolute purest water to be found anywhere on the planet. The charcoal filtering system removes any unwanted flavors or aromas, leaving only the purest taste. It also removes the stronger alcohols which is why this vodka doesn't usually cause bad hangovers. It's distilled 5 times, which is the process that purifies it, getting rid of excess water that might dilute it. The more distilled it is, the stronger the alcohol content. Distilling so many times takes longer and costs more, but the end result is one of the best, smoothest vodkas ever.

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