Louis Royer Cognac XO, Cognac - #8 of Top XO Cognac Labels

Louis Royer Cognac XO, Cognac Home Page

Home Screenshot from the Award Winning Top XO Cognac Brand Louis Royer Cognac XO, Cognac

Louis Royer Cognac XO, Cognac Bottle Page

Bottle Screenshot from the Award Winning Best XO Cognac Brand Louis Royer Cognac XO, Cognac

Louis Royer Cognac XO, Cognac Twitter Page

Twitter Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading XO Cognac Brand Louis Royer Cognac XO, Cognac

Louis Royer Cognac XO, Cognac

Louis Royer XO Cognac is a blend of the finest eaux-de-vie carefully selected from the Cognac house’s oldest stock. It embodies over 160 years of artistry and skill in producing the finest Cognacs that meet the highly selective demands of connoisseurs. Its color is a luminescent gold with a harmonious nose that delicately uncovers aromas of vineyard blossom and oak with a subtle hint of vanilla and a mellow rancio. It is a nuanced blend with striking virility that is effortlessly restrained, and never ventures towards aggressiveness. This refined quality allows the connoisseur to fully savor the complex flavors, and extends the experience to fully enable the enjoyment of its lingering taste.

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